Traditionally used to help support blood sugar levels, inflammation, liver disorders, macular degeneration and more. - Stir 1/4 of a teaspoon into a glass of water and consume 3 times daily,with meals. - TerraVita is an exclusive line of premium-quality, natural source products that use only the finest, purest and most potent ingredients found around the world. TerraVita is hallmarked by the highest possible standards of purity, potency, stability and fresh - Aloe Vera Leaf (Lu Hui) Powder (4 oz, ZIN: 511882): Aloe Vera is also known by the names Indian Alces, Kumari, Ghirita, Gawarpaltra, and Cape Aloes. Aloe is a perennial succulent native to East and South Africa. It is cultivated in the West Indies and other tropical countries. The tissue in the center of the aloe leaf contains a gel which yields aloe gel (or aloe vera gel). The word Aloe is derived from the Arabic word "alloeh," which means shiny and bitter. Aloe is believed to have been used to preserve the body of Jesus Christ.

Aloe Vera Leaf (Lu Hui) Powder (4 oz, ZIN: 511882): Aloe Vera is also known by the names Indian Alces, Kumari, Ghirita, Gawarpaltra, and Cape Aloes. Aloe is a perennial succulent native to East and South Africa. It is cultivated in the West Indies and other tropical countries. The tissue in the center of the aloe leaf contains a gel which yields aloe gel (or aloe vera gel). The word Aloe is derived from the Arabic word "alloeh," which means shiny and bitter. Aloe is believed to have been used to

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Binding: Health and Beauty

EAN: 0064435118822