2 oz - ZIN: 429002 - 100% Natural and Unrefined Shea Butter is produced by an ethically sponsored African Co-op. Using traditional methods, this variety of shea has a yellow color and the characteristic smell of the nut used in harvesting. The intensity of fragrance and color of this variety may vary, sometimes within the same batch, and some users may experience some graininess as the product has not been refined. Kudzu root, rich in plant estrogens among other compounds, is gaining poularity as an additive to skin care products to enhance the effects of many well-known skin moisturizers and emollients. Bianca Rosa Shea Butter Enriched with Kudzu root uses a finely cut, food-grade kudzu root powder of high quality suspended in vegetable glycerin and slowly added to 100% natural and unrefined shea butter.