This PAIR IS TRIPLE CAST with aTruly wonderful spell is called "Glamorous Life" and she says that "this is a form of Magick that draws in and grants "the fruits of comfort, romance and a Glamourous nature as well as lifestyle!" Albina says that this spell promotes all of the "Mystery and allure of a high profile celebrated life without the invansions of Privacy or loss of one's sense of self ". She went on to explain that this Magick will "bing forth the bearer's most "Intriguing and attractive qualities while also attracting a more comfortable and beautiful manner of living!" She says that this spell has three main elements:
1) That Sun shines brightly: This first element will draw in the energies that promote "true Glamour" by "drawing in that which "increases one's sense of self esteem, beauty and worth, while also attracting better experiences, more satisfying outcomes, less stress and more relaxation! Albina says that this element will make one feel as if "the shackles around one have been tossed aside and the sun now shines brightly on one and illuminates all that is beautiful and free!!
2) A Mysterious Allure: The Second element of this spell will draw in the energies that assist in "granting one a 'mysterious' and magnetic allure that GREATLY attracts others and grants one a distint air of great mystery and Intriguing Glamour!" Albina says she has seen 'even the toughest advesaries, drop their guards as they are softened and intrigued by the feelings that this element promotes." Albina explains that often passionate love is found or DEEPLY enhanced due to this potent element. She adds that this element alone can grant one a level of power that one must be careful with as other can become 'easily swayed!"
3) Secret Passage of Jewels: With this final element, the bearer will find that the Ancient energies of this element begin providing one with the 'means and assests to achieve a more glamourous Lifestyle". In short, one will be granted "the secrets" of "how to find and create an increase in wealth, comforts and security" She adds that one will also notice that these same energies provide guidance and direction towards 'the Glamour and Mystique' of others who will best serve you and provide true friendship in your quest to achieve your goals!
Albina does recommend that one wear or carry this Magickal for 2-3 weeks to allow the energies to align with one's own. She does suggest that if possible one either "sleep with this Magickal on or store near one's bedside" in order to achieve the best results. My Sincere Thanks to Albina for her generosity, time and Inspiring skills!!!!