Judy Bolton #1 - The Vanishing Shadow - Applewood Reproduction
This is a reproduction of the first Judy Bolton Mystery, The Vanishing Shadow. It was produced by Applewood books in 1994. The series was originally produced in 1932, continuing through 1967. Over the years, the books had been revised to fit the times, and it was Applewood's intent to produce facsimilies of the original volumes, including unrevised text and artwork. This is a second printing of the volume. It is a hunter green hardcover volume with no illustration or title on the outside of the book. Inside, the original illustrations are collected at the front of the book, unlike the original books where they were placed throughout the book, in line with the story. The jacket contains the original artwork on the front. The jacket spine is similar to the original, except it has an Applewood logo on the bottom. The jacket back and flaps are new material written for Applewood.
This is a mint, unread copy. The DJ is mint with absolutely no flaws; the book is the same. Check out the scans to see the condition of this volume.