This listing is for 20 Butternut Squash - Cucurbita moschata seeds.
The Waltham variety.
The entire Butternut Squash plant is survival food.
This squash keeps longer than pumpkin, and is packed with nutrients.
Butternut Squash is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin E.
We cube it, boil it, then smash it, add some butter, a little brown sugar or maple syrup, cinnamon and salt.
Some times I'll fry thin slices, or add 1/4 inch cubes to my stews.
They are delicious baked and broiled and taste like a good sweet potato.
The flesh can be dried and ground into a powder for breads.
The Seeds are amazing raw or cooked and rich in Omega oils with a pleasant nutty flavor.
Lightly roast, smash, then boil the seed to obtain the edible oil.
You can eat the flowers, leaves, and young stems cooked as a potherb or added to soups and stews.
Medicinally, Butternut seeds are a de-wormer.
Eat them fresh or roasted for the relief of abdominal cramps due to intestinal worms.
800 peeled seeds is said to make a safe and effective treatment for tape worm.
They are ground into a fine flour, then made into an emulsion with water and eaten.
The boiled root is galactogogue.
To buy them is expensive - why not grow them?
We enjoy this squash and think you will too.
Thank you for looking!