QVC sells this in the 4 oz. size for $59.16. Therefore, this is a 29.58 value. You would also pay tax and shipping and if you are anxious to try this, it's very difficult to get a 2 ounce size of the mask.

This scent works on all hair types. Cleanse and apply a tablespoon to wet hair. Comb through and leave in for 30 minutes before rinsing.

I notice that the Wen products that are NOT for cleansing and conditioning do not sell. That makes me think that people are only doing the basics and do not realize how much of a difference he/she may achieve with his/her hair by adding styling creme, using the remist to restyle the hair, applying the oils for the BEST hair ever and applying the masks when possible. I use it all and today, I got a lot of looks from men and women because I do have the hair of a village and I have body and bounce and hold. If you are not using more than the basics, you are missing out.