The Beatles: For The Record ~ The Story Of The Beatles In Words And Pictures

On June 15th, 1956, the Woolton Parish Church in Liverpool held a garden fete at which for the dubious pleasure of those who had paid a small admission fee, a group of local schoolboys who called themselves The Quarrymen provided entertainment. Hardly impressed by the performance, a majority of the party-goers ignored them while they played. Little did they realize that later, this same group of musicians would go on to become the legendary pop group known as The Beatles. Without a doubt, The Beatles were the best thing that had ever happened to the world of music. Everything they touched instantly turned to gold. Their records sold millions, fashions were inspired by them, and everywhere they went they were met by throngs of fans with scenes of near hysteria. Prominent people fought with each other just to be seen with them. They were loved by all.

But in 1970, when they were still riding at the top, they decided to call it a day and The Beatles were no more. Since that time they all experienced great successes on their own as solo artists, but never really recaptured that illusive spark that made them collectively the most successful pop group of all times. The pages of this 96 page book tells the true stories of their lives. From birth until the original publication of this book in 1981, from the early failures to the unbelievable success stories of the sixties, it's all here. Details of recordings, released or unreleased, and all the fascinating facts that are rarely seen on printed pages, are all contained within this book. The Beatles: For the Record is a rare souvenir of a decade that will sadly never be seen again, and of a group that will never be equaled. This is a coffee-table style book that measures 11"W x 11 1/2"H. This edition published in 1982. Printed and bound in Italy.

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