You Can Distill More Than YouThink
This distillation kit includes afermentation barrel and a cooling pot, both made of food-gradestainless steel, ensuring secure contact throughout the brewing anddistillation process, making the final product suitable fordrinking with peace of mind.
Exhaust valves and temperature gaugeshelp you stabilize and control the distillation process. Afterfermentation, this barrel can be directly used for heating. Tip:Alcohol turns into vapor at around 173°F, while water in fermentedproducts turns into vapor at 212°F.
Save your cooling time and waterresources! High-quality copper coils inside the pipes are smoothand wrinkle-free, ensuring rapid cooling while reducing residue andaftertaste.
The barrel is well made and not easy tobreak. The distiller features reinforced sealing at the barrellids, reducing steam loss and preventing leaks.
Sincerity and craftsmanship shinethrough! This distillation unit is perfect for beginners to brewand produce fruit wines, rum, vodka, distilled water, and otherdistilled products at home.