Item No






 Himalayan gold azeztulite double terminated  pendant infusion of devine love ,life force tumble

Weight in Carats



Weight in Grams



Dimensions in mm


38 x 10

Dimensions in cms

3.8 x 1.0

HIMALAYAN GOLDEN QUARTZ: aka Honeycomb Quartz, Gold Quartz, Himalaya Gold. * Empowers one to manifest for their Highest Good * Raises one's vibration and the vibration of one's intent * Healing on all levels * a powerful energizing and cleansing stone * Very useful in contact with the Spirit World * This stone accesses very high Divine information * Activates the Solar Plexus chakra and connects the Soar Plexus with the Third Eye Chakra enabling our will to be in line with the Divine. * enables loving communication with the Spirit world * protects and entirely heals one's aura *Meditating with this stone can be very helpful to those suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatique and arthritis QUARTZ - a powerful & healing stone and amplifier, it will attune its energies to the specific energy needs of the intention or of the user.It raises energy to the highest possible level of a person, an intention or another stone.It enhances psychic abilities, aids one in finding & living their spiritual purpose

HIMALAYAN GOLDEN QUARTZ: aka Honeycomb Quartz, Gold Quartz, Himalaya Gold. * Empowers one to manifest for their Highest Good * Raises one's vibration and the vibration of one's intent * Healing on all levels * a powerful energizing and cleansing stone * Very useful in contact with the Spirit World * This stone accesses very high Divine information * Activates the Solar Plexus chakra and connects the Soar Plexus with the Third Eye Chakra enabling our will to be in line with the Divine. * enables loving communication with the Spirit world * protects and entirely heals one's aura *Meditating with this stone can be very helpful to those suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatique and arthritis QUARTZ - a powerful & healing stone and amplifier, it will attune its energies to the specific energy needs of the intention or of the user.It raises energy to the highest possible level of a person, an intention or another stone.It enhances psychic abilities, aids one in finding & living their spiritual purpose


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