Capital letter J serves as a backdrop for a grey cat. A cats meow is used to communicate with humans, not other cats. Cats have more bones in their bodies than humans. Cats dont have a sweet tooth. Every cats nosepad is unique like a fingerprint. Cans can become addicted to tuna (no, not chocolate!). Cats groom themselves for over a third of the time they are awake. About 100 languages use the same alphabet like in English which makes it one of the most widely used alphabets in the world. While some languages have a few more and others a few less, they all share the 23 core letters originally found in the Roman alphabet. The most commonly used letter is the letter E. The letter J was the most recent letter to be added to the alphabet, appearing in print as a distinct letter for the first time in 1633. A sentence which contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet is called a pangram. A famous pangram is: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. but there are even shorter ones such as: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Every letter of the alphabet has a wild, or at least interesting, story, often going back thousands of years. You can look it up on Wikipedia.

Needlepoint by Pepita
Pepita Needlepoint printed needlepoint canvas is fun for every level of stitcher, from beginner through advanced. No need to follow complicated charts - the design is printed in full color, right on the canvas. The 100% cotton canvas is durable, easy on the hands, and stitches up quickly at 13 threads per inch. Many canvases come with full-color charts and intructions at no additional cost.

Thread Not Included
This item includes the canvas only. Thread is not included. To order a full kit, please select the option labeled Canvas and Thread.

Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description:

Capital letter J serves as a backdrop for a grey cat. A cat’s meow is used to communicate with humans, not other cats. Cats have more bones in their bodies than humans. Cats don’t have a sweet tooth. Every cat’s nosepad is unique – like a fingerprint. Cans can become addicted to tuna (no, not chocolate!). Cats groom themselves for over a third of the time they are awake.

Needlepoint by Pepita
Pepita Needlepoint printed needlepoint canvas is fun for every level of stitcher, from beginner through advanced. No need to follow complicated charts - the design is printed in full color, right on the canvas. The 100% cotton canvas is durable, easy on the hands, and stitches up quickly at 13 threads per inch. Many canvases come with full-color charts and intructions at no additional cost.

Thread Not Included
This product includes the canvas only. Thread is not included. Please purchase separately. I recommend DMC Pearl Cotton #3. You will also get excellent results with tapestry wool or embroidery floss.