Lot of 20 assorted vintage trolls.  I have cleaned them the best I can.  They smelled heavily of smoke and were heavily stained when I purchased them.  I let them sit in a tub of cat litter for about 3 months.  This got a lot of the smell out but not all.  I soaked the clothes in vinegar water.  This got the smell out of the clothes.  What seems to smell is the hair.  Their hair was washed several times with baby shampoo before and after they were place in the tub with the litter.  It didn't get the smell out.  Hopefully you will be able to get the remaining smell out and restore them to their former glory.  Some are missing their hair.  Many have stains I was unable to remove.  They were all soaked, with the exception of the plush, in soapy water several times and scrubbed with a magic eraser.  Here is a complete list of quantity in each brand: