Firefly Art Book Josh Weadon Nathan Fillion Serenity Science Fiction HC New

Firefly - Artbook
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A Visual Celebration of Joss Whedon's Swashbuckling Firefly
A collection of stunning brand-new exclusive original art celebrating the TV series Firefly.
Intro Nathan Fillion 
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The book includes over 120 pieces by professional artists, illustrators, concept artists, comics artists and graphic designers. The featured artists include Joe Corroney, Rian Hughes, John J Hill, Sandra Kamenz, Angel Onofre, Stephen Sampson (The Dark Inker), Liza Shumskaya, and Angel Trancon. From character portraits, faux book covers and poster concepts, to iconic scenes, wanted posters and renderings of Serenity, each artist puts their own stamp on the Firefly universe.
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