Glass Cutter – Not just any Glass Cutting Tool The Amazing Glass Cutter made in UK a manual Glass Cutter that lets you cut straight radius and wavy lines in glass mirror, stained glass and glass tiles. The scoring wheel is not sharp, it is probably the dullest tool you will own but the hardest, the hardness of the cutter blade along with the special angle ground into the scoring wheel allows The Amazing Glass Cutter to cut thick and thin glass materials and even Hard Tile without hurting the wheel. The Secret to using The Amazing Glass Cutter is to follow the instructions carefully. Practice on a spare piece in order to work out enough pressure to apply, usually not enough pressure is applied to start with but sometimes less pressure is better so practice makes perfect. Cutting on the floor instead of on a solid board at waist height will fail and give uneven pressure along the score line and may even crack glass. Not oiling the scoring wheel and making sure it is turning very freely may cause the wheel to bind, drag and even lock up and just scratch the glass instead of evenly scoring it and this will prevent the glass cutter from working correctly. Holding the Glass Cutter by the plastic grips when scoring with your strongest hand means that you are only applying minimal amount of pressure if any on the cutting wheel at the point where the scoring is happening. Always Pull towards you not push Away. For Stained Glass, Plate Glass, Picture Framing Glass or Fused Glass the cutting wheel should be oiled every single score, oil will run down onto the glass and will not only cool down the glass and give a cleaner cut it will also extend the life of the cutting wheel. If you can wipe the oil off the glass and there is no score line visible, then you need to increase the pressure – make sure you are holding close to the wheel and use the 2 handed method if needed especially if you do not have a lot of strength in your hands or are cutting a very hard material. Additional Details ------------------------------ Bullet point: GLASS CUTTING KIT- Watch Glass Cutting Videos and Read All Included Tips And Instructions. Must Soak Glass Cutting Wheel in Glass Cutting Oil, Run Wheel Up And Down A Board To Check Wheel is Spinning Freely So It Can Score Glass Evenly If Glass Cutting Blade Stops It Will Not Score. Glass Cutter Wheel Must Be Oiled Every Cut, A Dry Wheel Will Stick and Drag Across And That Stops it Being a Good Glass Scorer. Practice On Scrap Glass Sheet Before Making Final Cut To Check You Have Technique Down. Product description: Glass Cutter – Not just any Glass Cutting Tool The Amazing Glass Cutter made in UK a manual Glass Cutter that lets you cut straight radius and wavy lines in glass mirror, stained glass and glass tiles. The scoring wheel is not sharp, it is probably the dullest tool you will own but the hardest, the hardness of the cutter blade along with the special angle ground into the scoring wheel allows The Amazing Glass Cutter to cut thick and thin glass materials and even Hard Tile without hurting the wheel. The Secret to using The Amazing Glass Cutter is to follow the instructions carefully. Practice on a spare piece in order to work out enough pressure to apply, usually not enough pressure is applied to start with but sometimes less pressure is better so practice makes perfect. Cutting on the floor instead of on a solid board at waist height will fail and give uneven pressure along the score line and may even crack glass. Not oiling the scoring wheel and making sure it is turning very freely may cause the wheel to bind, drag and even lock up and just scratch the glass instead of evenly scoring it and this will prevent the glass cutter from working correctly. Holding the Glass Cutter by the plastic grips when scoring with your strongest hand means that you are only applying minimal amount of pressure if any on the cutting wheel at the point where the scoring is happening. Always Pull towards you not push Away. For Stained Glass, Plate Glass, Picture Framing Glass or Fused Glass the cutting wheel should be oiled every single score, oil will run down onto the glass and will not only cool down the glass and give a cleaner cut it will also extend the life of the cutting wheel. If you can wipe the oil off the glass and there is no score line visible, then you need to increase the pressure – make sure you are holding close to the wheel and use the 2 handed method if needed especially if you do not have a lot of strength in your hands or are cutting a very hard material.