Semilir 10 Vietnam Long Bitter Gourd Kho Qua Mo Trai Dai Seed Vegetable Supplier

The process of sowing bitter melon seeds

Bitter gourd is a fast-growing plant, so don't plant more than one seed in each pot to have enough room for the roots to spread. Pour potting soil into a biodegradable starter pot about 13 cm deep, leaving the top 1.8 cm empty. Put bitter melon seeds in the center of the pot, then cover with a layer of soil 1.2 cm on top, gently harden the seeds and water deeply for the seeds to settle. suck before sowing.

Bitter gourd seeds have hard cover and soaking the seeds overnight before sowing will help the seeds germinate faster. To reduce germination time even further, you can first sprout the seeds in the jar before sowing. To sow the seeds, make a recess in the soil about 1.2 cm, place the seeds on their side and cover with loose soil. Water gently so that the soil does not dislodge the seeds and keep the soil moist at all times. You can sow 4 to 5 seeds in a 15-liter pot. Keep 1 to 2 plants in a 15-quart pot and remove the others when the seedlings have developed at least four true leaves. Young Bitter gourd plants are sometimes susceptible to pests and diseases and should be wrapped with aluminum foil when the Bitter plant is young.
Sowing seeds of bitter gourd

It is best to sow bitter melon seeds indoors in a pot of sandy, well-drained soil. Once the seeds germinate, the plants grow quickly, so try to choose a pot that is more spacious than you can for other plants or you risk having to constantly repot.

Sow the seeds about 1 cm deep in the compost. Water the pot thoroughly, and at the same time avoid waterlogging, which can make the plant stunted. When it comes to bitter melon plants, good drainage is extremely important.

Steps to sow bitter melon seeds in a barrel

First, get a container of your choice that has a drainage hole in the bottom.

Fill the container with appropriate potting layers and selected potting medium.

Sow about 2 seeds in the center of the pot. In high beds, sow two seeds per pot at about 90 x 90 cm spacings.

Use your fingers to press the seeds a little into the soil medium and cover the surrounding soil completely.

Immediately water the sown bed with a light shower with a watering can.

Germination process of bitter melon seeds

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