As many magicians know, coin gaffs can take traditional coin magic to
extreme levels, yet they traditionally come with a hefty price tag.
Mark Southworth took the best of the best in coin gaffs and infused them
into a custom set of poker chips for a fraction of the cost. Sucker
Punch is more than just a high quality yet inexpensive alternative to
traditional coin gaffs. Within this single box is a sleek and elegant
fourteen-piece poker chip set that empowers you to create an endless
array of miracles like you would with any of those four hundred dollar
sets of coin gaffs. Vanishes, productions, color changes,
transpositions, and penetrations, just about any trick you've ever
wanted to perform with coins, are all within the fistful of
impossibilities that you can perform with Sucker Punch!
Punch boldly solves a problem that has plagued copper and silver coin
routines - contrast. Compared to their coin counterparts, the marked
contrast and larger size of the red and blue poker chips is far more
striking and visible to larger audiences, making this the perfect tool
for any magician looking to hit an audience hard with copper and silver
coin magic.
And just to get you started, Eric Jones offers his
coin mastery to teach you six uber-visual yet practical effects that you
can perform with the Sucker Punch set. Eric guides you through the
nuances and intricacies of Sucker Punch in an hour long detailed online
instruction. Whether you're a first time novice or well-versed master,
Eric Jones will inspire you to take the work included with Sucker Punch
and combine it with routines that you may already perform to make this
all your own.
Sucker Punch includes: