#1277 F W Powell / Thirty-third Annual Report Of The Bureau Of American Ethnology 1911. Smithsonian. This book is 105 years old. There is some discoloration of the pages but everything is intact. Please look at the pictures. Always consider offers.

This hardcover edition of the “Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology” (1911-1912) is edited by F.W. Hodge, the Ethnologist-in-Charge. The report provides comprehensive insights into the Bureau’s ethnological research during that period. It includes detailed studies on various Native American tribes, their cultures, languages, and traditions, reflecting the Bureau’s commitment to preserving indigenous histories. This publication is invaluable for scholars, researchers, and collectors interested in American ethnology, anthropological studies, and Native American cultures. The hardcover is in good vintage condition, with minimal signs of wear.