Furniture Dolly, Equip Your Furniturewith Mobile Stands
This adjustable fridge stand mobile basemakes moving and securing heavy appliances like mini-fridges,washing machines, and refrigerators a breeze!
Our washing machine dolly is equippedwith rotating casters and a locking mechanism. You can easily movefurniture and avoid your washing machine shifting duringoperation.
The adjustable frame expands from 23 to36.6 inches, making the appliance dolly cart ideal for a wide rangeof appliances and furniture.
Our furniture dolly mobile roller isbuilt with 0.55-inch thick stainless steel support tubes,anti-slip, reinforced feet, and a buckle connection system forextra stability and security.
The portable washer dolly keeps yourappliances off damp floors with its mobile base, extending theirlifespan and making cleaning easier.