We occasionally offer video readings for clients who don't feel comfortable meeting on Zoom. Our clients often meet with Jen on Zoom, but because we serve the world globally, we have clients who don't like Zoom or are intimidated by it.Other people prefer to have a video they can refer to for a while to see how things are going.
Jen's offering video readings for Spring to anyone who wants to know where their relationship is going. We recommend this reading to anyone interested in knowing where they are and what they can do.
You can ask 3 short questions about your relationship and get a 40 minute video with predictions. The following are examples of questions that you may ask: "What will happen between me and my specific person?" "Does/she love me?" "Will we be together again?"
You will receive a confidential YouTube video. The video will be unlisted and private. Jen tests the video before sending it, so you may see a view or two. Typically, video readings are deleted after three weeks or at the client's request.
Number of days for delivery: within 3 days you should receive your video
Target: males or females
Yields pictures, report,notes, video: an unlisted youtube video
Your name
Your target's full name
dates of birth if known
A picture of your target
A picture of you
A brief background of the situation and whether you are on speaking terms.