This listing is for a high quality printed copy of various JLG/Gradall/Lull telehandler manuals.
manuals typically contain detailed electrical and hydraulic
schematics. Operator manuals and parts manuals sometimes also include
the schematics (want to make sure the info you need is contained in any
particular manual? Message me and I'll be happy to answer questions).
To make them easily readable,
schematics will be printed on double-sized, 11"x17" paper when needed, and will available as a fold-out inside the manual, or can be included as loose-leaf sheets if requested.
Please note that I may split larger manuals (350+ pages) into multiple volumes for ease of use (no extra charge).
manual supplements are included in manual at no extra charge. Check
the very bottom of the "Model #" selection list for additional manual
add-ons, which can be purchased alongside a manual.
Most manuals have a serial number range, but not all. Make sure to double-check the serial number range and serial number exclusions listed on the manual cover picture. 'PPN' refers to the publication part number. 'PVC' refers to the product variant code.
Canβt find your model here? Send me a message and I may be able to find a copy for you.
too long to view? Add the item to your cart, and the full name will
be viewable there before checking out (or view on mobile).
bound, printed on high quality 100% recycled 28lb paper (noticeably
thicker and tougher than office paper). Manuals measure 8.5"x11". Comb binding is perfect for reference materials, as it allows the manual to be folded and laid flat on any page.
Have any special requests (e.g. 3-hole punch, additional schematic pages, etc)? Get in touch!
10% of the proceeds go directly to Southern Plains Land Trust - an
excellent charity has protected tens of thousands of acres of vital
prairie habitat in the United States. π¦¬
You can check them out here: π¦
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, and thanks for looking! π