You will receive 3 bulbs.

Small size (from golfball to softball suze)


Colocasia Gigantea (Thailand Strain) is a unique and large growing plant in the Araceae family (commonly called Aroids). The family consist of many unusual plants including Amorphophallus (voodoo lilies), Alocasia and Colocasia (elephant ears) and Spathiphyllum (peace lilys). 


Colocaisa Gigantea is found native in tropical parts of Asia such as China, Thailand, and Borneo. The petioles (stems) are used by natives as a food source. Villagers with poor soil use this plant to feed livestock. Colocasia gigantea (Thialand Strain) made its way to the states in 2003 when seeds were brought back by Alan Galloway and Petra Schmidt from an expedition to Thailand. Gigante