Product Name : Dashavatar Idols on Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram

Total Weight of Set : 1231 gms

Dimension : 4 inches (height) * 12 inches (Centre Diameter)

Design : The divine Dashavatar set depicts the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu on natural sudarshan shaligram of gandaki river nepal . 

Description : 

Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the Universe, took these incarnations periodically to re-establish dharma or righteousness of humanity and end injustice on earth. 
The incarnations were in the order below:
1. Matsya – The fish 
2. Kurma – The tortoise 
3. Varaha – The boar 
4. Narasimha – Half Man and Half Lion 
5. Vamana – The Dwarf 
6. Parashurama – The Brahmin Warrior 
7. Rama – The Prince and King of Ayodhaya 
8. Krishna – The Cowherd 
9. Buddha –  Awakened one or The enlightened one
10. Kalki – The Destroyer 
Worshipping Lord Vishnu in His 10 forms liberates the devotee from the cycle of life or he/she achieves Moksha. The different avatars of Lord Vishnu also removes the malefics of different planets or Navgrahas. 
Worshipping the avatars of Lord Vishnu removes the below Planetary Doshas:
1. Matsya – Ketu 
2. Kurma – Saturn (Shani) 
3. Varaha – Rahu 
4. Narasimha – Mars (Mangal) 
5. Vamana – Jupiter 
6. Parashurama – Venus (Shukra) 
7. Rama – Sun 
8. Krishna – Moon 
9. Buddha – Mercury