This spell derived from Olde Magick and it is called
"BE SWEET TO ME" spell for you. This particular spell promotes kindness, caring behavior, compassionate and loving actions as opposed to closed off, short, frustrated or stifled behavior
Albina adds that this spell is very useful when one has found one keeps having a difficult time having another warm up to and be nice to you. She says this helps when another has been cold and distant or even very mean to one
She says that one will seeon notice that one can gain a more friendly, trustung, open and warm relation with another and stop the cold, callous and angry exchange of energies with this spell's power! She says this is due to blocks being alleviated by this blessing and the energy pathways opening up between one and the other party. She also adds this spell raises peaceful energy frequencies to allow for ascended and peaceful relations
She says she has seen completely separated relations suddenly "renewed and revived" by their ability to be kinder and more receptive once more! She says that within 1- 3 weeks time this results in improved relations again!