No dryness, irritation or irritation
Hylo-Vision Gel sine is a sterile, preservative-free wetting agent.
Hylo-Vision sine contains hyaluronate, a natural substance that is also present in the structures of the human eye and in the tear film. Hylo-Vision sine Gel is therefore well tolerated.
It protects and moisturizes the surface of the eye and makes it slippery. This provides long-lasting relief from the symptoms of dryness, irritation and mild irritation that occur in connection with mechanical stress, e.g. from wearing hard or soft contact lenses or from diagnostic procedures on the eye, with environmental stress, e.g. from air conditioning, wind, cold, dryness or air pollution, for example from cigarette smoke, or with tiredness and visual stress caused by intensive viewing, e.g. from computer screens, microscopes, or long car journeys.