A symbol of spring, tulips are the most popular spring bulbs and most gardeners reserve them a spot in the garden or containers. Grown for their attractive, vibrantly colored flowers, there are currently over 3,000 registered varieties, which are divided into fifteen groups, mostly based on the flower type, size, and blooming period of the tulip.
Because of their shape, Double Late Tulips are also known as peony-flowered tulips. The flowers, which are always large and double, can easily reach a span of 4 in. across (10 cm). Since the flowers can be damaged in extreme weather conditions (rain and wind), it is advisable to plant them in a sheltered location. Growing up to 12-16 in. tall (30-40 cm) in late spring, Double Late tulips perform exceptionally well in regions having cold winters and late springs. Certain cultivars are suitable for forcing indoors.