Hostel Part 2 Unrated Directors Cut DVD Norwegian Market Release Movie/Film New
Hostel Part 2 Unrated Directors Cut DVD Norwegian Market Release Movie/Film New
New and Sealed
The information on the cover of the DVD is in NORWEGIAN
Subtitles available in:
- Norwegian
- Swedish
- Danish
- Finnish
- English
- Hindi
- Italian
Quentin Tarantino (Kill Bill 1.og 2) presenterer en film skrevet og regissert av Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever): HOSTEL 2. Den sjokkerende og grufulle oppfolgeren om en hemmelig torturliga hvor rike forrentningsmenn betaler for a torturere og drepe sine ofre.
Quentin Tarantino (Kill Bill 1 and 2) presents a movie written and directed by Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever): HOSTEL 2. The shocking and horrific sequel to a secret torture army where wealthy rewarders pay to torture and kill their victims.
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