Penstemon Beardtongue Perennial Red Husker White Flowered Red Foliaged 40 Seeds

Regularly called Beardtongue, Penstemon is a huge local variety found over huge spaces of the US and Canada, particularly in drier areas. It contains an abundance of blossom tones and sizes, plant statures, and development propensities. 'Husker Red' is a white-blossomed, red-foliaged type of P. digitalis that was chosen and presented in 1983 by Dr. Dale Lindgren, University of Nebraska. It is a flexible nursery enduring, important as an example, or as a cut bloom. At the point when plants are grounded, tallness midpoints around 30 inches, with upwards of 50 white blossoms on every one of at least 20 open, breezy, bloom stalks during July and August. Maybe 'Husker Red most significant property is the rich, bronze-red foliage which gives striking differentiation the majority of white blossoms. 'Husker Red' lean towards all around depleted soils that are marginally acidic. Soils that are all around depleted throughout the colder time of year help to expand its life. Plants flourish in full sun to light shade. Solid in zones 5-9 Proper name: Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'