See pics for details of condition. Book is over 100 years old. Binding is loose, wear on corners, some spots and yellowing, pages creased, etc. Check photos for details.
Preface to Original Edition.
Having been repeatedly asked to prepare a book that would, in a condensed form, give all the necessary information and formulas to aid one in becoming a thorough dispenser I have finally decided to do so, though well aware that I have a task to perform My purpose is to give the public the result of many years of study and to pick out from
many hundred formulas only such formulas as are practical and which by long use have been proven to be excellent. Beside this selection of formulas, which is larger and more complete than that in any similar work, whatever the price, I have given practical hints as to the arrangement of the fountain and its care, and suggestions as to the best methods of dispensing, etc. I have worked in stores both north, south, cast and west as a dispenser, and I believe I am capable of helping the new man in the business. There are certainly many formulas in this work that are worth many times the price of the book even to an experienced man.
My purpose is to aid all who are engaged in catering to the wants of a thirsty public, by offering an effervescing fluid that "cheers but does not inebriate," to become better dispensers and to increase their profits, and if I do this, I shall have accomplished that to which I have. given much thought, and this book will have performed its proper function. E. F. WHITE.
Preface to fifth Edition.
The time has again arrived when the needs of the dispensers of soda water, who for the past fifteen years have accepted my guide as a standard of authority demands that the book they have valued so highly be revised and enlarged. My publishers say the boys are clamor- ing for the book to help them and I am glad to use my pen once more for the good of the boys and I should add girls that follow the profession that for so many years has been by study.
I shall aim to conform to that simplicity that has made this guide so valuable to the be- ginner at the same time I shall aim to consider the modern things in such a way as to make this an invaluable text book to the expert who desises full information where it is quickly available.
All readers of this should have a copy of my Vest Pocket Sundae Formularly which con- tains over fifteen hundred formulas very few of which space permits me to give in a work of this kind.
As I write a sense of deep appreciation comes to me for the high esteem in which the dis- pensers of the great American beverage have held my work. I send this another edition forth with many thanks to you and in the sincere hope that this latest effort will prove to be equally helpful. E. F. WHITE.
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