Did you find this item to be expensive? Let us analyze the pricing details:
Typically, when listing an individual postcard, I price it at $13 or higher, taking into account factors such as the card's age, overall condition, and whether it is unposted and unwritten, all of which enhance its value.

Curteich-Chicago brand was around 1878-1978.
This is a vintage one from 1930.
Unwritten and unposted.

Given its age, one should expect signs of deterioration, which may include the scent of aged paper, discoloration, and other indicators of aging.

As a complimentary addition to this listing, I always include a selection of random and assorted postcards with each purchase.

Aside from cleaning or enhancing the background, I do not use Photoshop or filters on my images. 

My items for sale come from a non-smoker, perfume-free owner without pets household.


I encourage you to ask any questions you may have prior to purchasing this item. Please avoid making impulsive decisions based on excitement. If you have inquiries but choose not to ask, remember that changing your mind after receiving the item will NOT ALLOW for a RETURN.

My NO-RETURN policy is due to past issues with customers returning items in poor condition. Additionally, offering free shipping means I lose both the sale and the shipping cost when accepting returns.

Most selling platform like this one offer a zoom feature for a more detailed inspection. I encourage you to take advantage of this feature to thoroughly examine the item.

I usually ship your package the same day if it is before 1:00 p.m. or, if I am home that day. Otherwise they will be ship the following day. 

Thank you for visiting and or purchasing something from my store.

YOU take care of yourself always.