Lot of 10 Quilt Patterns Christmas, Moose, Flowers Fish Santa Wall Hanging BlocksMostly from the 90's. Originally sold individually for $7 or $8 each.
- Pieces from my Heart #141 Best Friends Sandy Gervais
- Under the Stars Cotton Tales Pamela Curo Has bear, moose, stars
- Fish Fandango Paper-Piece Wall hanging from Love Quilt Patterns Kathy Love
- Autumn Bounty Flowers Hahn Enterprises by Rose Hahn Sunflower
- Spring Awakening Flowers Hahn Enterprises by Rose Hahn Sunflower
- Wilderness Quaters Anka's Treasures Ank202
- Welcome Winter Jan Kornfeind Country Appliques Quilt & Pillow
- Santa Wall hanging Rachel Pellman
- Snowman Wall Hanging Racehl Pellman
- At Home in the woods - McKenna Ryan Pine Needles