Ladies' Home Journal Magazine

September 1986

Katharine Hepburn - her new frankness about her life and love

Goldie Hawn - "Why I Left Hollywood"

Erma Bombeck - what's she really like?

The Best Fall Fashions by Lois Joy Johnson, beauty and fashion editor

Criminals Have All the Rights

Kitchens with a Special Style - home decor

What Kids Do When You're Not Home - Latchkey Kids

The New Betty Crocker Cookbook

Fast food without the calories

What Married Men Want From Sex

Lifestyles of the Richest and Most Famous

Great September birthday gift idea

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An absolute "Must Have" for collectors, this magazine is a great period document of ads, editorials, fashion and articles. It's a who's-who in the year 1986!

Do not miss your opportunity to own this rare collector's item!