dark master - zorcimpcantation chalislime
impcantation talismandra
impcantation bookstone
impcantation candoll x3
impcantation penciplume x2
manju of the ten thousand hands x2
sonic bird
djinn demolisher of rituals
berserk archfiend
mekanikal arkfiend
mystic clown
terra the terrible x2
libromancer fireburst x2
libromancer doombroker x2
libromancer mystigirl
libromancer firestarter x2
libromancer agent x2
contract with the dark master
impcantation inception x2
impcantation thanatosis
preparation of rites
libromancer first appearance
libromancer bonded
libromancer realized
libromancer displaced
libromancer prevented
libromancer intervention x2
stars align across the milky way