You are purchasing a 30 minute Audio CD narrated by Bob and Penny Lord with the life of  Saint Francis of Assisi. This is from our series Super Saints by Bob and Penny Lord.

           Saint Francis of Assisi.

Come to Assisi, land of St. Francis,  the little Poor one of Jesus, who, with St. Dominic, reformed the Church of the Middle Ages.

See where he was born and lived out his life, the Portziuncola his first Franciscan Church, the Convent of San Damiano where the Crucifix spoke to Francis, when he asked, "What do you want of me Lord." Go to the Hermitage, and the Basilica of St. Francis.

"Lord make me an instrument of Your Peace! Saint Francis appeals to every aspect of  humanity. He is Gospel"

No matter where you go, you can feel Saint Francis and Saint Clare.
You may also be interested in a 48 page pamphlet/booklet of Saint Francis of Assisi, in a separate listing.

Bob and Penny Lord's programs are shown weekly on Mother Angelica's Eternal Word Television Network. They are well known Catholic authors of best sellers:

*This Is My Body, This Is My Blood; Miracles of the Eucharist Book I and Book II.
*Many Faces of Mary, A Love Story Book 1 and Book II
*Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church
*Saints and Other Powerful Men in the Church
*The Journey and the Dream
*Heavenly Army of Angels
*Scandal of the Cross and It's Triumph
*Martys They Died for Christ
*The Rosary, The Life of Jesus and Mary
*Visionaries, Mystics, and Stigmatists
*Visions of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory
*Treasures of the Church
*Tragedy of the Reformation
*Cults, Battle of the Angels
*Journey to Sainthood
*Holy Innocence
*Defenders of the Faith,
*Beyond Sodom and Gomorrah
*Miracles of the Child Jesus
*Miracles of the Cross
*Saints, Maligned, Misunderstood & Mistreated
*Heroes-Popes In Hard Times

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Please visit our other listings to find more books and DVDs by Bob and Penny Lord.

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God bless you.