You are purchasing a book titled:  "Heroes, Popes in Hard Times" by Bob and Penny Lord.
*Please note this is a paperback, not hardcover.***

All our Popes are Heroes.  But Bob and Penny Lord have chosen special Popes who have done battle for the Church against the powers of Hell.  Sometimes they were victorious; sometimes they received their reward in Heaven. 

We want to share some of the Popes and their struggles to save the Church and the world.


Pope Gregory the Great – One of only two Popes declared Great - Doctor of the Church 

Pope Pius VII – Did battle with Napoleon Bonaparte


Blessed Pope Pius IX
Fought against the Unification of Italy- Became a pope in exile in the Vatican

Pope Leo XIII – Called the Great Diplomat
Fought to bring about peace with the countries of Europe.


Pope St. Pius X - Called the Pope of the Eucharist
Promoted frequent Communion and changed the age of reason to 7 years old 


Pope Benedict XV – Unsung Hero of World War I
Pleaded with warring powers for peace – Tried to create a moratorium at Christmas time



Pope Pius XI – Fought against Mussolini, Hitler and the rising Japanese Empire
Tried to bring back part of Papal States taken away by the Italians.
Fought against Nazi hostility towards Christianity 

Pope Pius XII – Victim of the Second World War
Was ordained Pope five months before Hitler invaded Poland



Pope John Paul II – Called by many Pope John Paul the Great
Brought about the end of the Soviet Union

336 Pages

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God bless you. 


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