Dive into the compelling narrative of "The Lost Peace: Leadership in a Time of Horror and Hope 1945-1953" by renowned author Robert Dallek. This hardcover edition explores the military and political landscapes of the post-World War II era, offering insightful perspectives on strategy, modern history, and global events. With 432 pages of detailed accounts and analyses, the book measures 9 inches in length, 6 inches in width, and has a height of 1.4 inches, making it a substantial yet readable addition to any history buff's collection. Published in 2010 by HarperCollins, this unit is a single volume that delves into the complexities of the 20th century's military and political intricacies. It is richly illustrated, providing visual context to the engaging content. Whether you're interested in military strategy, the general state of the world during this period, or the intricacies of political science, this book serves as an informative resource for anyone fascinated by the events that shaped the second half of the modern era.

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