Contained within this limited offering, a beautiful handmade talisman, are carefully created natural white light spell cast energies that will dramatically enhance your mind, and life.

Memory is the mental activity of recalling information that you have learned or experienced. With a good memory, anything is possible!

Imagine what it would be like to have the ability to recall things you have heard or read? To remember difficult steps or procedures or to retain names, places and information. This is pure natural power. Power that you can use daily!

The following is a list of the individual spell castings held at a 10x power (Full Coven, midnight casting session under the Full Moon):

Memory Enhancement
IQ Increase
Advanced Mental Capacity

See increases in your memory, recall and/all information read or learned immediately, have a photographic memory, retention of facts, names, place, people, faces, recall past lives, and much more.

This piece has been spell cast with some of the World's most effective spells for wisdom and recall.

These spells inspire creativity and deep hidden wisdom.

Can be used for spells and rituals as you recall steps and procedures easily!

Can be used for students as you study for difficult tests.

Can be used on the job as you remember names, faces, and information.

Can be used in personal life to remember dates, places and facts.

Can be used in spiritual life to remember past lives and hear and decipher messages from the spiritual realm.

Read minds, anticipate what people will do and say, what their actions and reactions will be so that you can put yourself in to an immediate place of power and control.

The piece can be used by man or woman. No knowledge of magick practices is necessary. I take a lot of pride in being available at all times to my clients. If you ever have any question, concern, if you need help, advice, guidance, or anything else I am here for you. I will not ignore or forget you, I will HELP you get the most out of this exquisite piece!

The piece does not have to be worn in order for it to work for you. Of course it can be, should you desire, but otherwise, all you must do is keep it safe, and keep it with you at all times for the powers within this glorious amulet to connect to your spirit, and begin producing real world results.

It's a common reaction when reading about an item like this to think that it must be "too good to be true", there is no way that what I'm reading can be real, can it? Magick is very real, and has existed around us all since the dawn of time. Once a major part of the day to day lives of many, it has largely been pushed aside. Our society fears what they do not understand, especially in this technologically advanced time that we all live in. We embrace those stigmas, and the challenges that come with it. All we ask you to do is dare to dream. Dare to step outside of what you think you know, and experience a whole new world.

Additionally, a question that I am often asked is something along the lines of: "If it is so powerful, why don't you keep it for yourself?" - The answer may seem strange to some, and that is that wholeheartedly believe that I was given a rare gift at birth, and I have spent my entire life, nearly 30 years, since I was a teenager, cultivating my abilities, all with one goal, and one goal only - To help others. I have tremendous passion for my fellow man, and it would be wrong of me to hoard these items and be the sole benefactor of their immense power. I have taken an oath that states simply that my mission in life is to provide for those that need it the most, and not to be greedy, serving my fellow man, not myself.

This is a dynamic, extremely unique set of energies conjured professionally and carefully by my incredible team. We are a group of 9 individual practitioners of energy that work together each day creating miracles through the simple act of energy conjuring and containment.

The disciplines of this piece are very modern. New breakthroughs in modern, advanced alchemy work that have resulted in an energetic dynamic that we can proudly 100% GUARANTEE will work splendidly.

Accept this beautiful piece in to your life, and change it forever.