Woods 28828223 28828228 12/2 NMB W/G 100' Wire, 100 ft, Yellow, 100 ft

For general wiring of homes, stores, and shops. Southwire Romex Brand SIMpull NM-B (nonmetallic-sheathed) cable may be used for both exposed and concealed work in normally dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C (with ampacity limited to that for 60°C conductors) as specified in the 2011 National Electrical Code. NM-B cable is primarily used in residential wiring as branch circuits for outlets, switches, and other loads. NM-B cable may be run in air voids of masonry block or tile walls where such walls are not wet or damp locations. Voltage rating for NM-B cable is 600 volts.

  • VERSATILE CABLE FOR RESIDENTIAL USES: NM-B cable is primarily used in residential wiring as branch circuits for outlets, switches, lighting, and other loads. NM-B cable may be run in air voids of masonry block or tile walls where such walls are not wet or damp locations
  • DURABLE: Type NM-B cable (nonmetallic-sheathed cable) may be used for both exposed and concealed work in normally dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C (with ampacity limited to that for 60°C conductors
  • EASY INSTALLATION: Coated in patented SIMpull Cable Jacket for easier pulling, stripping, and installation
  • QUICK SIZE IDENTIFICATION: This wire is color coaded for easy size identeification, White - 14 AWG, Yellow - 12 AWG, Orange - 10 AWG, and Black - 8 AWG and 6 AWG.
  • SPECIFICATIONS: Made in America, 12 gauge, 2 conductors with ground, 100' per coil
  • UL Listed type NM-B
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