George Washington II: The Forging of a Nation" is a 1986 television miniseries that chronicles the life of George Washington as the first President of the United States of America.

Here's a summary:

 Challenges of the Presidency: The miniseries depicts Washington's challenges as the first president, including establishing a stable government, navigating political divisions, and addressing economic and foreign policy issues.

Key Policy Debates: It highlights major debates of the time, such as the creation of a national bank (led by Alexander Hamilton) and the response to the French Revolution. These debates laid the foundation for the development of political parties in the United States.

Maintaining Neutrality: Washington faced significant pressure to choose sides in the conflict between Britain and France, but he ultimately pursued a policy of neutrality, which proved crucial for the young nation's survival.

 Farewell Address: The miniseries culminates with Washington's farewell address, in which he warns against the dangers of political factions and foreign entanglements.

George Washington II: The Forging of a Nation" provides a glimpse into the complexities and challenges faced by the first president and his administration as they shaped the course of American history.

Note: This is a general summary. The miniseries delves deeper into specific historical events and personalities.