The SCOTT 2502 Compact...
The 2502 features an ultra-sensitive AM/FM stereo tuner with Scott's revolutionary new Field Effect Transistor circuitry, a space-age development that lets you hear more stations more clearly. Fully automatic stereo switching lets you relax and enjoy the music while direct coupled all-silicon transistor amplifier circuitry gives you the cleanest sound this side of the actual performance. Pat. Pending
Dear Scott Owner...
Your new Scott stereo component incorporates the latest technical advances and the most highly skilled workmanship in the entire high fidelity field. We hope that it will bring you and your family many years of real enjoyment. If you should have any questions regarding this equipment or its performance, please write: H. H. Scott, Inc., Technical Services Dept., 111 Powdermill Road, Maynard, Mass.
Your Scott 2503-S10(2) is warranted from 10/20/67.
H H Scott (see warranty enclosed with unit for complete information)