Pool Blok US Pumice PB-80 Tile & Concrete Cleaner Pumice Block, 100% Natural Pumice Stone for Cleaning Pools, Spas & Water Features, Pool and Spa Cleaner, 6-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/2, Pack of 1
Pumice Tile Concrete Cleaner. Cleans Pools, Spas and water features. The Original Pool Blok Tile & Concrete Cleaner. it floats and will not change the pool chemistry.
Removes lime, rust, stains and algae deposits from ceramic tile
Works through abrasive action
Safe around children and pets
Made in China
estimates delivery times and we work to get your item to you as quickly as possible and within those times, but please know it may take slightly longer than the estimate.