Espoma GF1010106 Garden Food, 6.75-Pound, Brown/A

Garden food is a general purpose plant food that provides the three major nutrients in equal amounts. Promotes vigorous growth in all flowering plants and vegetables. Carrying a formulation of 10-10-10 with fast acting nutrients. Comes in 6.75-pound bag.

  • A general purpose garden food that provides the three major nutrients in equal amounts
  • Helps plants quickly absorb major nutrients for bigger faster growth
  • For use on flowers vegetables trees and shrubs
  • Contains all 3 major nutrients
  • Made in the USA
  • Garden food is a general purpose plant food
  • Provides the three major nutrients in equal amounts
  • Promotes vigorous growth in all flowering plants and vegetables
  • Carrying a formulation of 10-10-10 with fast acting nutrients
  • Comes in 6.75-pound bag
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