Dive into the action-packed world of 'One Piece' with our Series 6 Custom Anime Brick Toy Set, featuring meticulously crafted minifigures of some of the most iconic characters from the series. This set includes Admiral Akainu (Sakazuki), Admiral Kizaru (Borsalino), Admiral Fujitora (Issho), the cunning Donquixote Doflamingo, Green Bull (Aramaki), Sengoku the Buddha, Kohza, and Monkey D. Garp, the legendary Marine and grandfather to Monkey D. Luffy.
Each figure is designed with incredible attention to detail, reflecting the unique traits and outfits of these pivotal characters. From Garp’s Marine cap signifying his high rank and noble heart to Akainu’s stern expression and magma-powered fists, each figure brings the dynamic world of 'One Piece' to life.
Admiral Kizaru, known for his laid-back attitude and devastating Light-Light Fruit powers, and Admiral Fujitora, who wields the power of gravity, are ready for action in your collection. Donquixote Doflamingo, with his sharp style and string abilities, adds a touch of danger and intrigue. Sengoku the Buddha and Green Bull add formidable power, while Kohza stands ready to lead the Alabasta rebellion.