Fabulous Funnies Presents Broomhilda is a comic strip created by Russell Myers. The strip follows the misadventures of a man-crazy, cigar-smoking, beer-guzzling, 1,500-year-old witch and her motley crew of friends. Broomhilda is Attila the Hun's ex-wife, and she is perpetually looking for a new husband, but her abrasive nature makes this a difficult task. Despite her flaws, Broomhilda is a lovable character who always manages to find herself in hilarious situations.
Broomhilda, the titular witch, finds herself in a bit of a pickle after indulging in some liquid courage. As she soars through the skies, her inebriated state leads to a series of hilarious mishaps and misadventures. From losing her grip on reality to causing chaos wherever she flies, Broomhilda's drunken escapades provide plenty of laughs and lighthearted fun.