Get Rid Of Stubborn Mold And Mildew Stains: Our Instant Spray Cleaner Removes The Stains Left Behind From Black Mold And Mildew. They Tend To Leave Behind Ugly Staining That Can Go Deep Below The Surface | | Strongest Mold Killer: Rmr-141 Rtu Mold Killer And Disinfectant Inhibits The Growth Of Mold And Mildew; Eliminates Odors; And Disinfects In One Easy Step. ItS A Powerful, Safe, And Effective Way To Remove Mold, Bacteria, And Viruses | | Fast-Acting Spray: Our Fast-Acting Mold Stain Remover Spray, Instantly Targets Deeply Embedded Stains That Linger Between Bathroom Tiles, In Grout Lines, Under The Sink, And On Shower Doors | | No Scrubbing Needed: Simply Spray Our Ready-To-Use Formula On The Affected Area And Watch The Stains Disappear Right Before Your Eyes! | | Rmr-141 Kills 99.9% Of Bacteria: Our Mildew, Odor, And Mold-Removal Spray Kills 99.9% Of Household Bacteria And Odor-Causing Bacteria. ItS Fungicidal And Effective Against A Broad Spectrum Of Bacteria. When U.