Date of Publication:
Binding: paperback
Condition: Reader copy
Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: In this June 1974 issue of Arizona Highways, we visit the state’s natural wonder, the Grand Canyon; and one of its man-made wonders, the retirement community of Sun City. ~ About the Grand Canyon (24 pages): The Grand Grand Canyon, by Charles W. Barnes, tries to answer the question, “What is it that makes this canyon one we call GRAND? Some history, some geology, some statistics, an 1881 USGS etching – but mostly, the answers can be found in the dozen pages of color photographs, most of them by Josef Muench. Separate articles, with text by Capt. Clarence E. Dutton, 1881, tell us more about The Vermilion Cliffs, with full-page photograph by Ansel Adams; and The Toroweap, with drawings by William Henry Holmes. Pipe Springs and Lee’s Ferry, from “Desert Country” by Edwin Corle, 1941; photographs by Herb & Dorothy McLaughlin. Water Doesn’t Run Uphill, by Joseph Wood Krutch, selected from Chapter 2 of the book “Grand Canyon Today and All Its Yesterdays” (1958). Illustrated with 1973 satellite photograph from Skylab, 270 miles above. ~ ~ ~ About Sun City (20 pages): Saga of the Vulture Road – The story of Grand Avenue, which bisects Sun City on its way from Phoenix to Wickenburg, Kingman and Hoover Dam. Sun City, Arizona, U.S.A., by Patricia Barnes. “Its more than 30,000 residents came from almost everywhere, have done almost everything, and represent wide ranges of economic, social, political, religious and ethnic backgrounds.” The No Bad-Hop Baseball Stadium, by Ernie Mehl. The San Francisco Giants used Sun City Stadium in 1972 and the following year the Brewers came on the scene. Boswell Memorial Hospital. The Sun City Sun Bowl. The Town Too Busy To Retire, by Thelma Heatwole. Sun Citians volunteer for many causes, participate in many activities, and manage their own community affairs. Del E. Webb, the All American Arizona Legend.