DeZurik GS Pneumatic Single Acting Valve Positioner LOT of 2  
#- P39 P38

This is a nice set of hard to find positioners. The one positioner may very well work, but I cant sell it as working without testing. This one is a model P39

the other positioner APPEARS to be from model P38, but I cannot verify this. It is clearly for parts, as it is missing its face plate.  

Made in Sweden 

Will ship international. Please ask questions.

DeZurik GS Pneumatic Single Acting Valve Positioner LOT of 2   #- P39 P38 This is a nice set of hard to find positioners. The one positioner may very well work, but I cant sell it as working without testing. This one is a model P39 the other positioner APPEARS to be from model P38, but I cannot verify this. It is clearly for parts, as it is missing its face plate.   Made in Sweden     Will ship international. Please ask questions.