This is a Andara amber heart crystal

This is Amber color is considered a Master Andara Crystal as it has attributes and energies contained within it that add Great Intensity and power to the Specimen.

Eternal Heart is a synergy of Cosmic Key, Heart of the Warrior, Kali MA, Tantric Heart 

Eternal Heart Unifies and Harmonizes the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies within oneself.

Eternal Heart provides potent grounding and assisting with Divine Embodiment of Higher Frequency attributes.

Harmonizing the Elements and Energies of the Cosmos with Mother Earth, representing the above and below.

Helps One step more fully into their own Sovereign Divine Nature and mastery.

This Andara facilitates, leads, guides and directs One on a path of Mastery--the path of the Master is most fulfilling on every level, it can also challenge you to look deep within and release ALL that is not truly who you are.

Please note to those new. This is not the mineral Amber 

Collector specimen that is in a league all of its own

Andara are "glass like" and Raw, not tumbled, cut or polished, they are straight from the Earth which means they can have sharp edges, please be careful, you may choose to lightly file down any sharp edges with a fine sand paper.