Hymns of Faith and Songs of Inspiration

Choose Yamaha Disklavier PianoSoft SOLO floppy disk, PianoDIsc Floppy disk, Yamaha Disklavier CD, PianoDisc CD,  USB MIDI, or USB E-seq PianoSoft Solo.

The Yamaha Floppy Disk PianoSoft format is for Yamaha Disklavier, Clavinova, and PianoDisc Player Pianos and ships on a 2SDD disk, Most all other brands like Baldwin, Suzuki, Technics, Roland, Kurtzweil, Kohler, Kawai, Casio, Adagio, Artesia, and others will require the MIDI format on a 2SHD disk. If you order the MIDI disk and need it on a 2SDD type disk then you will need to contact us or leave a note.

The Yamaha CD will only play on a Yamaha & PianoForce, The PianoDisc CD will only play on a PianoDisc system, They will NOT work with any other brands like QRS, Baldwin, Etc.

 If you are not sure just write with your make and model and we will try to help. 

Titles on this DISK are
Disk 1
1 In The Name Of The Lord
2 Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above
3 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
4 All Creatures Of Our God And King
5 I Will Praise The Name Of God
6 Let Thy Glory Fill The Temple
7 Oh! Praise The Lord Of Hosts    
8 You’ll Never Walk Alone
9 All Glory Laud & Honor
10 Praise The Spriti Son & Father
11 Amazing Grace
12 I Will Call Upon The Lord
 13 Let There Be Praise
 14 Oh Worship The King
 15 Sing Hallelujah
 16 Reveal Your Glory
 17 Holy Ground        
 18 I Exalt Thee
 19 Love Divine
20 He

Disk 2
1 We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer
2 From All That Dwell Below The Skies
3 Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven
4 O Praise The Lord All Ye His Saints
5 Holy God We Praise Thy Name
6 The Messiah Hallelujah Chorus
7 Are you Washed In The Blood
8 A Sing Hosanna And Rejoice
9 He's The Lord Of Glory    
10 He's Worthy Of Praise
11 Praise To The Lord
12 O Praise Ye The Lord
13 How Great Thou Art
14 The Lords Prayer
15 In Your Presence
16 Bring Him Home
17 Our God Reigns
18 Thou Art Worthy
19 Worship Him
20 He Lives