This item cannot be self-installed or installed with any other system that with Ford IDS programming software. There are only 2 businesses in the country (FS1 in NY and Protech Auto Systems in FL) who can program this outside of the vehicle...all others must be programmed IN the vehicle with Ford only system called Ford Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS). A shop can subscribe to this but no other system can program this NEW ECM. It is not returnable if installed. If you do not have a shop with Ford IDS software, here is the contact info for Protech Auto Systems in FL where they can program your VIN# to the ECM and you can then install. Any questions, email us back. Thanks!
Here is a link for more info:
Units must be flashed ON the vehicle. Vehicle specific on-car programming must be performed AFTER install to prevent drivability issues! Correct VIN and OE Number Required!
Per Ford TSB 14-0059, replace any ignition coil-on-plug and spark plugs associated with diagnostic trouble codes before replacing the PCM.
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