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Divine Music Transmissions channelled from the Blue Flame


The included Divine Codes are from the Primal Rays of Creation, the field from which everything emerges, are living multidimensional code. Here is the basic geometry, but when seen in all its aspects, it is a moving fractal, breathing living consciousness. These codes have the power to alter your life and program a new reality.

These codes can, and will, alter your life for the purpose they are divinely programmed. Take uttermost respect and integrity when using these.

The Powerful Divine Code of Soul Star Chakra will activate, optimise and balance your Soul Star Chakra, as well as accelerating the Ascension within you.

Profound alteration of your DNA blueprint and a lifting of your vibrations to connect to the Highest of the High will take place as you experience this powerful Divine Attunement and Activation from the Realms of Light.

Each time you listen to the Attunement and Activation, you receive a great impetus of LIGHT through the powerful Divine Healing Transmissions and healing music.

Each Attunement and Activation has specific actions to assist you in your Soul Advancement, accelerating your Soul Evolution and Ascension into your Eternal Immortal Self, assisting you to fully Self Actualize and fulfill your Highest Destiny Potential.

This transmission has hidden within it the Divine Code to activate, open and balance your Soul Star Chakra.

What will take place will be a transforming Sacred Alchemy that allows all that you are, ready to release to be healed and transformed. Many positive Divine Actions will be occurring on your behalf.

This will include:

Opening us up to Divine Love

Putting us in touch with all our soul contracts we have made in our many incarnations

Helping us to release and heal all our karmic patterns, karmic debt and negative karma

Allowing our soul to grow

Brings us to face who and what we really are in the bigger scheme of eternity

Getting us to take inventory of our lives and resolving to change or heal anything that is unbalanced

The old will be released so that the new can enter

Regular opening and balancing of this chakra will ensure that you don't suffer any more difficulties, hard times or bad luck in your life

You will have no more tough lessons to learn in your life

There will be a completion of lessons in your life

You will walk away from the past as there will be nothing else to learn or experience

You will become at the end of one journey and not yet having begun the next

You will receive many blessings on your experience thus far

You will take stock of all of what you have learned

All negative acts and negative energy affecting your life will be reversed

The Divine will clear all negative karma around you

The Divine will rid of any remaining negative energies having an effect on you

The Divine will rid of all negative vibes having an effect in your life

All remaining negative energies around you will be banished and sent to the light

Balancing this chakra will help you to never be stressed or anxious as all those problems start to lift from your shoulders

You will find any challenges so easy to cope with and deal with from now on

Your psyche and spiritual equalibrium keep in balance

You will start to overcome all difficulties in your life

You will get out of any chaos

Your heavy load will be cleared

All difficult trials will be cleared

Your heavy burden will be no more

All obstacles and barriers to love, happiness, prosperity and affluence will be taken away

The Divine will put everything right

You will find that you stop putting yourself down or devaluing yourself

You will be in control of your mind and become focussed

You will be at total peace within yourself

Very happy and very confident about the future

Knowing that you are doing many good things to improve your future

You will be able to overcome anything in your life

Able to release negative energy easily

Never being held back by negativity

All negativity around you will be sent to the light. All negativity will be dissolved completely in love and light.

All your past life karma, negative karmic cycle and karmic debt will be completely cleared

All bad karma and karmic debt will be totally erased from your life

You will mentally lift your spirits and mood to the highest level

All false karma, negative Karmic Seeds, past life karma and karmic debt will be pardoned and completely removed by the Lords of Karma

All past, present and future negative etherical cords attached to or which may become attached to you that do not serve their highest good will be completely severed by the Archangel Michael

All these karmic cords will be pulled out by the roots and prevented from ever implanting or growing back

Any karmic entity that has been triggering karmic events on your destiny path will be dissolved completely in divine spiritual light.

Any negative energies or negative people that have been vampiring off your aura and spirit will be cast away by the higher vibrations of the divine

Any negative learning habits built up since childhood will be broken and you will find yourself always thinking innovatively and outside the box

You will find a new innovative approach with your life, finding yourself lucky from now on

All negativity will be cast away, positivity will return and remain in its place

You will never suffer from karma or bad consequences again

All doors will be opened for new transformations to take place

All energy blocks and all karmic blocks on your destiny path will be gotten rid of for good. They will be sent to the light

The Akashic records will be reset and put at 0, all karma will be completely wiped out

You will have a clean slate from now onwards

There will be a full and thorough cleanse, casting out all karma, blockages and all obstacles on your destiny path and around your life


Listen in a completely tranquil environment to receive full attunement and activation,

Lie down, put the printed code (attached with this audio file) under your pillow/cushion) and let the beautiful coded sounds heal and transform every cell of your body.

Dab oil of neroli or rose onto your pulse points and burn neroli or rose incense to get you in the right calming state of acceptance for the transformation to take place.

Become an Ascended, Enlightened Soul

Get in touch with the Blue Flame energy by focusing on the peace that's deep within your heart.

Miraculous solutions on their way


You should be at least 18 years of age to purchase this item.

You agree that by purchasing this item, you have read through the description and are authorising the purchase.

You understand that the writer states :

I am a true believer in my work and in all that I do. These are my personal beliefs.

However, it is common sense to understand that, nothing can be promised to you in a psychic reading or spiritual work.

In this context, we all have control over our future, our bodies, our minds, and our destiny.

All psychic readings and spiritual work should only be regarded for entertainment purposes only.

Nothing written in this description is promised. No outcome of any nature can be assured.

This item is merely a hypnotic music session with embedded code.


Divine Music Transmission Listings: