For your consideration and approval

These 2020 Limited Run of 5 Wax Rubbings of 1st Generation Rock and Roll LEGEND Brass Gravestone Rubbings:


This listing is for #5 of 5

Item is 36"Length x 27" Width

These are one of a kind and are the only ones in the ENTIRE World available for you to adorn your home with such a Legend!

On April 17th, 1960

Rock and Roll would face another GREAT blow and Eddie Cochran would pass away after injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident in Bath, England.

The future of Rock n’ Roll would be a bit uncertain if it had not been for the early contributions of such a Pioneer.

Maybe there’d be No Dylan?

No Clapton? No Beatles? No Hendrix? No Sting? No Setzer? No Motörhead?

(Or maybe there still would?)

Heck, people in music genres you’d never think will name drop the infamy that is Eddie Cochran. On and on and on, so many people remember the first time they heard or saw Him and how it changed their lives forever and continues to this day.

~~~ April 25th, 1960

Eddie Cochran was finally laid to rest at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Cypress California. ~~~

The day I made these rubbings it was April 25th, 2020, which marked the 60th Anniversary of His passing on the 17th and His funeral on the 25th. That morning I went alone to “attend.” I paid my respects and spent a good hour(+) giving His Brass Gravestone a good cleaning and manicured a bit of the overgrowth in some high wind and almost 110 degree (F) heat. I cleaned off all the oxidation that’s accumulated from time and gave it some good old fashioned elbow grease with some Brass Cleaner, Conditioner, and a  Coarse Horse-Hair Brush.


This particular visit was a bit more special than most. I made a small series of Wax Stone Rubbings of His Gravestone to commemorate His 60th Anniversary. I will continue to do this every 5-10 years, until I’m no longer able. Sickness, Death, or otherwise.


If you’re a diehard Cochran fan like myself and many others, this is a great opportunity to have a rad piece hanging in your home.

Use it for a shadowbox or put it in a nice frame!

I have mine in my Record Room!

For what it’s worth in the SUPER high wind which would untape the ends of the Aqruba Paper and the HIGH AND DRY HEAT, they came out pretty damn good. Because the Brass has raised detailing, it was a liiiiiiiitle tough to FULLY CAPTURE the FINE detail on the headstone because the wax blocks are well... blocks and in My experience in Grave Rubbings, recessed headstone text rub better!


Next time I’ll be sure to get some wax pencils and do some finer work and different colors each series. I did the rubbings on Museum Quality Wax and Aqruba Paper, which will last for lifetimes.


Anyhow, that day was a good day.

I needed it!

Rest In Peace, Eddie.

Post Script:

I have Recently SOLD #2 on here (ebay) for a fair offer of $130 of my $150 asking price and thusly have lowered the price $20 on each one. I will NOT be accepting offers on these prints going forward, as the Market has now dictated the Fair Market cost of the Goods provided!

Sincerest Regards